Monday 15 June 2009

Homework Headaches

My name is View. My problem is my studies and having too much homework after school.
I always have to study extra after school and on the weekends. When I come home, I feel so tired that I go to sleep. I don't have time to do my homework.
I like to play golf, but I never get to play because I always have so much extra studying to do.
Thanut Dankittikul Songkhla
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with your workload, View. Just do your best and stick with it. Sometimes our workload can seem unmanageable, but after a while we find that accomplishing everything we need to do gets easier - either because we get used to it or because the amount we have to do actually decreases over time. If you find after a while that you really are still having a lot of difficulty, talk to somebody about it. A parent, school counsellor or teacher may have some advice or be able to offer you some help. Good luck. - Editor